Thursday, April 30, 2009

Ming-Hua Chung

I haven't been to statistics class in over two weeks and I have an exam today, a make-up exam tomorrow and the final on Monday.  So yesterday I went in to Ming-Hua (English name: Michael) Chung's office hours to try to learn all of this information by today.  He asked me what the last class was that I had been to, and when I told him I couldn't remember this is what he said (in broken English, of course):

"It will take too long for to teach you.  Don't try to learn or understand material, memorize practice quiz questions and answers."

I was really told that by my professor.   I was shocked/loved it.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

All Along The Watchtower

So last weekend-the most perfect weekend of all time-I saw dave and tim with jason mraz opening at the vandy football stadium in nashville.

AND he closed the encore with watchtower

He also did this and I loved it.

He also played Blue Water and Cornbread which I also loved.  You should've been there.

That's all.  (It's okay to be jealous.)

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

The Furious Longing of God, Part II

So.  I finished it earlier this morning.  Part of me is sad that I couldn't stand to make it last longer, but it was just so good and encouraging and challenging and inspiring and leaves you wanting to live life better and look more like Jesus.  I've decided to read it again, and this time be even more aware of the truths it presents and the wisdom coming from Brennan Manning who loves Jesus so well.  Just go buy it.  Pick a coffee shop and just dive into it this weekend.  You'll love it.

Monday, April 20, 2009

The perfect night.

Okay, so in my eternal state of procrastination I left my house tonight to go "study" at Barnes for a "change of scenery".  Yeah, right-I knew exactly what I was doing when I left.  Before I reached Barnes (which was a bad idea from the start, because all I ever do there is sit on the floor in front of the bookcases and thumb through books for hours) my trip turned into a swing by Best Buy and Hastings to pick up some new vinyl for my record player.  I finally made it to B&N, made a once-over of their music section to look for more LPs, and headed over to the other side of the store to see if there was anything new and good in my favorite section.  Immediately I saw Brennan Manning's newest book, The Furious Longing of God, grabbed it, and headed for one of those comfy (but not perfect because you are constantly thinking of how many people have been laying all over them today alone) chairs and settled in.  
Happiness set in for the next couple hours: 

Curled up in a cozy, well-worn chair wearing enormous soundproof headphones listening to a great playlist made by my bestie, and getting lost in this book until I heard, "Attention customers, Barnes & Noble will be closing in 15 minutes.  Please make your way to the front to make your purchases."  

Unfortunately for me, I ended up shelling out $16.99+tax for this little gem.  The good news is, now I can change into the best sweatpants ever (thanks, K-Life board families) and continue this readingfest in the study of my precious little house that I only have for three more weeks.  

Anyway, go get this book.  I mean it.  I'm probably going to finish it tonight.  My favorite thing is that he's quoted Song of Songs 2:10-13 about five times so far and I'm loving it:

Come then, my beloved
My lovely one, come.

For see, winter is past,
The rains are over and gone.

Flowers are appearing on the earth.
The season of glad songs has come.

The cooing of the turtledove
Is heard in our land.

The fig tree is forming its first figs
And the blossoming vines give out
Their fragrance.

Come then, my beloved,
My lovely one, come.

Every time he quotes it he explains it's use a different way.  It's incredible.  Go buy it.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Just some good stuff from John Eldredge

"The only fatal error is to pretend that we have found the life we prize.  To mistake the water hole for the sea.  To settle for the same old thing.  Fry called such a life “the sleep of prisoners.”  You might remember the movie The Shawshank Redemption, the story of prison life in the Northeast in the 1940s.  The film focuses on the journey of two men’s hearts through the trials and temptations of incarceration.  Red, the ringleader and most seasoned of the prisoners, explains what happens when you live within those walls too long: “At first, these walls, you hate them.  They make you crazy.  After a while you get used to ‘em, don’t notice ‘em anymore.  Then comes the day you realize you need them.”  That is the most tragic day of all-to prefer slavery to freedom, to prefer death to life.  We must not stay in this sleep.  The time has come for us to wake, to arise from our slumber.  As the Scriptures say, “Wake up, O sleeper, rise from the dead” (Eph. 5:14)."

John Eldredge

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

get ready for this

  1. please plug some big headphones into your computer
  2. click this link
  3. press fullscreen
  4. press play 

Wednesday, April 1, 2009


To me, this is ridiculous.  And incredible.  And I would be happy to be either one of them.  Hold out for the end, it's the best.